以下的資料從BK copy 過來的.
TOPIC: 我小朋友今年9月K2, 有咩要準備呀?
If you target at DSS/Private schools, I have shared the below before, see if you would find it useful.
1) You need to list out Target DSS/ Private school that you find suitable
- Start gather information, understand their 教學理念
- Visit their website, some stated very clearly about the school details
- Beware of 簡介會date and time
2) Prepare P1 Interviews
Interview performance is the most important part, you need to train/ prepare your kid for the followings :
- chinese reading skill (some even need you to write)
- english reading skill (some even ask you to spell)
++ remember to train the high frequency words as well, as they are asked to read sentences/ books. So do read more with your kid.
- 中英文 重組句子 (some schools)
- Maths (addition and subtraction, some even 文字題 - read by the teacher)
- Logic questions (sequences and patterns)
- Describe pictures (need to train them to say as much as they can by themselves)
- find differences from two pictures
- story telling (including rearrange pictures, tell the story from the provided pictures)
- picture drawing (mainly test creativity, presentation)
- Apart from the above, group games like making puzzles, lego, blocks building etc, 體能, 自理能力 are sometimes covered in the interview for some schools
3) Portfolio (not very important but still needs one)
-You can try to start thinking about it. What do you want to show to the primary schools. If you find some aspect missing, you still have time to obtain it. A well-balanced profile may help. Start collecting the certificates, if any.
4) School report:
-If possible, Try to get a good K2 2nd term report (usually they asked for the 2nd term report).
5) Recommendation letter
- Prepare 自薦信
- get recommendation letter from kinder or other learning centers if any
6) 注意禮儀
- Greet teacher/ Principal (主動) / polite
- Answer with confident and appropiate volume
- How to stand and sit, even bow properly
- How to hand in the documents properly to the teacher (using both hands)
- How to answer question (look at the other eyes, full sentences)
- Listen to teachers' instruction, (eg. 如老師
- To be patient, (好多時要等, 或者要輪住一個到一個)
7) 常識/ 有關小朋友自己 同家人既認知
8) 中英文對答
For government aided school, you still need to understand / study:
- 整個程序, 自行計分方式, 所屬校網及學校選擇, 叩門既要求等
- For 自行, which school to choose (need to choose when you start K3)
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